Hall |
Location |
Contact |
Civic Centre
Strickland Street (rear)
Denmark WA 6333
Book Online: SpacetoCo
Shire of Denmark Admin. Office
PO Box 183
Denmark WA 6333
Ph. 9848 0300
Tingledale Hall
554 Valley of the Giants Road
Tingledale WA 6333
Tingeldale Hall Committee Inc.
993 Valley of the Giants Road
Tingledale WA 6333
Ph. 9840 8051
Kentdale Hall
Poyser Reserve
341 Parker Road
Kentdale WA 6333
Kentdale Hall Committee Inc.
Ph. 9840 8006
Parryville Hall
2830 South Coast Highway
Denmark WA 6333
Parrys Beach Voluntary Management Committee
PO Box 200
Denmark WA 6333
Ph. 9840 9299 0447 714 977 Jenny
Scout Hall
McLean Park
1086 Brazier Street
Denmark WA 6333
1st Denmark Scouts
PO Box 101
Denmark WA 6333
Ph. 9848 1585
Nornalup Hall
1 Riverside Drive
Nornalup WA 6333
Nornalup Residents & Ratepayers Association Inc.
PO Box 183
Walpole WA 6398
Ph. 0402 764 712
Scotsdale Hall
Scotsdale Road
Denmark WA 6333
Scotsdale Progress Association
Ph. 0484 233 009
email: marshallapp@westnet.com.au
(this hall is vested in the trustees of the
Scotsdale Progress Association)
Peaceful Bay Community Hall
30 First Avenue
Peaceful Bay WA 6333
Peaceful Bay Progress Association
Ph. 9840 8088