Stand for Council

Local Government Councillors are elected by people who live and do business in the local Council area and / or own property within the local government and have registered to vote. Councillors play an important community leadership role and create policies and resolve decisions that the Council makes about what happens locally.

On this page:

Up-coming Local Government Election

Local government elections are held on the third Saturday of October, every two years.

The next Local Government Election will be held in 2025.

Interested in becoming a Councillor?

If you are interested in becoming a Councillor, resources are available to assist you.

Important Links:

Candidates or potential candidates can contact existing Councillors or the Chief Executive Officer to discuss the requirements of the role.

If our community elects you to a seat on Council, you will be required to complete mandatory Elected Member training conducted by the Western Australian Local Government Association.

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Electoral Gifts

It is a statutory requirement for any gift over $300 (or a combination of gifts worth over $300) to be declared by the donor and the candidate who accepts the gift. Declaration of gifts must be made by completing the form below and the completed form must be received by the CEO within three days.

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Enrolling to Vote

The Shire of Denmark runs each election by postal vote. All postal elections are managed by the WA Electoral Commission (WAEC) who appoint a Returning Officer for each election.

You are automatically enrolled to vote if you are on the State Electoral Roll for the Shire of Denmark. If you are not already on the State Electoral Roll and meet the eligibility criteria, or if you have changed address recently, you must complete an enrolment form which are available from the Local Government Office, all post offices, all Australian Electoral Commission Offices or the Western Australian Electoral Commission.

To check your enrolment status on the State Roll for the Shire of Denmark, please visit the WA Electoral Commission website.

Persons wishing to check whether they are on the Council's Owners/Occupiers Roll or to obtain an Application Form please contact the Shire of Denmark.

Please note you will only be recorded on one of the above Rolls, not both.

Owners And Occupiers

If you own property in the Shire of Denmark but do not live here or you operate a business, you may be eligible for listing on the owner/occupier roll. To be eligible for the Shire's owner/occupier roll, a person must be enrolled on the State Electoral Roll where they live and either own or have a right of continuous occupation under a lease tenancy agreement or other legal instrument of a property within the Shire of Denmark. The right of continuous occupation must extend for a period of at least three months.

Where two or more individuals jointly own or occupy a property, up to two of them may enrol, with the written agreement of a majority of the owners where there are three or more co-owners or occupiers.

Where a company or body corporate owns or occupies rateable land, up to two people can be enrolled to vote on its behalf. If the same company or body corporate owns more than one property in a ward, the body is still only entitled to have two nominated persons on the roll.

Occupiers and occupier nominees remain on the roll for a period of two elections after their enrolment is accepted and are then taken off the roll six months after the second election. They must then re-enrol if they wish to continue as electors. Owners of rateable property remain on the roll until the relevant property passes ownership.

Enrolment Forms

Form 2 - Enrolment eligibility claim form: Fill in this form if you own or occupy rateable property in a district or ward, but are not represented on the residents roll (Western Australian Electoral Commission Roll) for that district or ward and want to be able to vote at local government elections for that district.

Form 2A - Application to register a nominee for a body corporate: Fill in this form if the body corporate: owns or occupies rateable property in a district or ward, but are not represented on the residents roll (Western Australian Electoral Commission Roll) for that district or ward and wants to be able to vote at local government elections for that district.

Form 2B - Application to register a nominee for co-owners or occupiers: Fill in this form if the persons own or occupy rateable property in a district or ward, but are not represented on the residents roll (Western Australian Electoral Commission Roll) for that district or ward. Note: If a proposed nominee is on the residents roll (Western Australian Electoral Commission Roll) for the district or ward, they are automatically enrolled to vote.

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