Shire Administration Building

The Shire of Denmark Administration Building is the hub of our business.

On this page:

Council Meetings

Ordinary Council Meetings are held once a month in Council Chambers at the Shire of Denmark Administration Building on South Coast Highway.

For details about past or up-coming meetings, agendas, minutes, procedures and more, please visit our Council Meetings page.

Make a Booking

The Reception Room at the Shire Administration can be booked for use.

Please contact our Customer Service Team for more information.

The wall space in the foyer of the Shire Administration Building is available for hire by local artists to display their work. An application form is available below.

Documents for Admin Building
Application For Hire Of Shire Of Denmark Foyer


Coming soon: We are in the process of partnering with an online booking platform to simplify booking public venues in the Shire of Denmark. Stay tuned!


Our Customer Service Team can be reached on (08) 9848 0300 or

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