Firebreak and Fuel Management Notice

The annual Firebreak and Fuel Management Notice outlines your legal responsibilities to address the bushfire hazards at your property. If you need help understanding any aspect of the notice, it's your responsibility to take make use of the resources available to educate yourself so you can avoid penalties during the maintenance period

On this page:

Key Dates

Variations Due
1 October 2024 If you would like to submit a variation application, you must do so before the 1 October deadline.
Maintenance Period
1 December 2024 - 30 April 2025 Every property must be maintained to meet the requirements of the Notice for the entirety of the maintenance period.
Compliance Inspections
1 December 2024 - 30 April 2025 Properties that are found to breach the Notice will receive a fine. Frequently Asked Questions about infringements are available below.
Burning Periods

Please visit our Burning Periods page for information about the various Burning Periods in the Shire of Denmark.

Please visit our Camp and Cooking Fires page for information about restrictions in the Shire of Denmark.

Burning Periods Back to Top

Property Requirements: Firebreak and Fuel Management Notice

Depending on the size of your property, you must adhere to all of the requirements listed below or risk penalties. 

Select from the property size option tabs below to see what you need to do at your property to be compliant.

Property Size: Less Than 5000m2 (1.23 acres)

For properties 5000m2 or smaller, the following requirements apply throughout the maintenance period 1December 2024 to 30 April 2025.

Requirement Definition More Information
Asset Protection Zone (APZ)

Your Asset Protection Zone or APZ is the 20 metre zone immediately surrounding any habitable building. Within that area, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Flammable Matter (including leaf litter and firewood) must be removed from all walls, roofs, gutters, and from under unenclosed decking or house sub-structure.
  • Fine Fuel Load (sticks and leaves) must be maintained at an average of 2t per hectare.
  • Lawns, gardens and other vegetation within the area must be managed. This means the removal of all dead plants and flammable material. Plants and gardens must not be planted against walls.
  • Trees larger than 5 metres tall much have lower branches removed from within 2 metres of the ground and no branches may overhang any building.
  • Lawns and grass must be maintained at 100mm or below.

If you need more information about your APZ, please start by checking out our tips video.

Video: Asset Protection Zone

Please make an appointment with our Book a Ranger program for further assistance.

Book a Ranger

These requirements are the minimum standards. For more information about how to be as safe as possible from the threat of bushfire, consider joining your local Bushfire Ready Group.

Vehicular Access

An unimpeded route accessible to 4WD fire vehicles. The specifications are:

  • 6 metres wide overall
  • 4 metres wide trafficable
  • 4.5 metres minimum vertical clearance
For property owners on residential blocks in town, this refers to your driveway. If you're unsure if you need to make changes,

please make an appointment with our Book a Ranger program

Book a Ranger

Any area on your property which does not fall within your APZ must have all grass and/or groundcover maintained to a height of 100mm or less.

Many residents consider engaging contractors to help with slashing at their property. Please see our video with tips about engaging a contractor. 

Video: Thinking About Getting a Contractor to Help?

Dead Flammable Material
Any area on your property that does not fall within your APZ must have its dead flammable material maintained to less than 2t per hectare of 5t per hectare in predominantly karri bush areas only.

If you're unsure about the amount of dead flammable material at your property, please make an appointment with our Book a Ranger program

Book a Ranger

Additional Requirements

The Notice features a full list of additional responsibilities that may apply if you have the relevant infrastructure on your property. For properties of this size, there are two additional requirements that commonly apply.

Requirement Definition More Information

Any shed or outbuilding which is on your property and not within your APZ must be surrounded by a Low Fuel Boundary extending 3 metres wide.

The definition for a Low Fuel Boundary is:

  • a maintained area cleared of all combustible material that is likely to fuel a fire.

Please make an appointment with our Book a Ranger program for further assistance.

Book a Ranger

Stockpiled Flammable Material (such as firewood)

Any stockpiled flammable material, no matter where it is located on your property, must be surrounded by a Low Fuel Boundary extending 4 metres wide.

The definition for a Low Fuel Boundary is:

  • a maintained area cleared of all combustible material that is likely to fuel a fire.

Please make an appointment with our Book a Ranger program for further assistance.

Book a Ranger

Property Size: More Than 5000m2 

For properties larger than 5000m2, the following requirements apply throughout the maintenance period 1December 2024 to 30 April 2025.

Requirement Definition More Information
Asset Protection Zone (APZ)

Your Asset Protection Zone or APZ is the 20 metre zone immediately surrounding any habitable building. Within that area, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Flammable Matter (including leaf litter and firewood) must be removed from all walls, roofs, gutters, and from under unenclosed decking or house sub-structure.
  • Fine Fuel Load (sticks and leaves) must be maintained at an average of 2t per hectare.
  • Lawns, gardens and other vegetation within the area must be managed. This means the removal of all dead plants and flammable material. Plants and gardens must not be planted against walls.
  • Trees larger than 5 metres tall much have lower branches removed from within 2 metres of the ground and no branches may overhang any building.
  • Lawns and grass must be maintained at 100mm or below.

If you need more information about your APZ, please start by checking out our tips video.

Video: Asset Protection Zone

Please make an appointment with our Book a Ranger program for further assistance.

Book a Ranger

These requirements are the minimum standards. For more information about how to be as safe as possible from the threat of bushfire, consider joining your local Bushfire Ready Group.

Vehicular Access

An unimpeded route accessible to 4WD fire vehicles. The specifications are:

  • 6 metres wide overall
  • 4 metres wide trafficable
  • 4.5 metres minimum vertical clearance

For driveways longer than 50 metres, safe turn-around areas must be incorporated along the route to allow for safe egress of fire vehicles.

The vehicular access needs to provide access to your APZ or other assets on your property so they can be defended from bushfire by volunteer bushfire brigades.

Your firebreaks also need to meet the definition of vehicular access.

If you're unsure if you need to make changes,

please make an appointment with our Book a Ranger program

Book a Ranger


Any area on your property that does not fall within your APZ must have all grass and/or groundcover maintained to a height of 100mm or less, unless justified to the satisfaction of an Authorised Officer to be within an actively managed agricultural pursuit.

So in other words, any grassed areas such as paddocks must be stocked sufficiently to reduce the fire hazard.

Rural property owners and residents have some specific concerns. Please check out our video for rural property owners.

Video: Reminders for Rural Landowners

Many residents consider engaging contractors to help with slashing at their property. Please see our video with tips about engaging a contractor. 

Video: Thinking About Getting a Contractor to Help?

Dead Flammable Material

Any area on your property that does not fall within your APZ must have its dead flammable material maintained to less than 8t per hectare of 15t per hectare in predominantly karri bush areas only.

Rural zoned properties are exempt from this requirement.

If you're unsure about the amount of dead flammable material at your property, please make an appointment with our Book a Ranger program

Book a Ranger


Your property must have Low Fuel Boundary Access (LFBA or otherwise known as Firebreaks).

The specifications for a LFBA are:

  • Unimpeded route accessible to 4WD fire vehicles
  • The route must be cleared of all combustible material so as to provide a 'fuel-free' area as close as practical to the internal perimeter of the property
  • Must meet the definition of vehicular access. Those specifications are:
    • 6 metres wide overall
    • 4 metres wide trafficable
    • 4.5 metres minimum vertical clearance
  • Cannot terminate, lead to a dead-end, have tight bends or be without safe egress routes

If you have bushland areas on your property larger than 40 hectares, you are required to have additional firebreaks to compartmentalise the bushland.

An example of a good firebreak is demonstrated in our firebreak video.

Video: A Good Firebreak Example

Additional Requirements

Additional requirements also apply, if you have any of the following infrastructure on your property.

Requirement Definition More Information
Strategic Fire Access Routes

If you have a Strategic Fire Access Route on your property, you are responsible for its maintenance.

The requirements must meet the approved Town Planning Scheme provisions or the requirements of an adopted Subdivision Guide plan.

For more information about Town Planning Scheme and Subdivision Guides, please contact our Planning Services team.

Any shed or outbuilding which is on your property and not within your APZ must be surrounded by a Low Fuel Boundary extending 3 metres wide.

The definition for a Low Fuel Boundary is:

  • a maintained area cleared of all combustible material that is likely to fuel a fire.

Please make an appointment with our Book a Ranger program for further assistance.

Book a Ranger

Stockpiled Flammable Material (such as haystacks or wood)

Any stockpiled flammable material, no matter where it is located on your property, must be surrounded by a Low Fuel Boundary extending 4 metres wide.

The definition for a Low Fuel Boundary is:

  • a maintained area cleared of all combustible material that is likely to fuel a fire.

Please make an appointment with our Book a Ranger program for further assistance.

Book a Ranger


If you have a plantation on your property, you are responsible for its maintenance.

The plantation must be maintained to meet Plantation Fire Protection guidelines.

Plantation Fire Protection guidelines are developed by the Department of Fire and Emergency Services.

Please contact DFES for more information.

Power Infrastructure

If you have any power infrastructure on your property, it must be surrounded by a Low Fuel Boundary extending 1 metre wide.

The definition for a Low Fuel Boundary is:

  • a maintained area cleared of all combustible material that is likely to fuel a fire.
For information about the intersection between your responsibility and Western Power, please visit the Western Power website for more information.
Telecommunications Infrastructure

If you have any telecommunication infrastructure on your property, a Low Fuel Boundary is required with different widths for each of the below:

  • 5 metres wide around the perimeter of the Building Envelope
  • 5 metres wide either side of Guy Runs and 4 metres wide around the base
  • 1.4 metres either side of Wave Guide Runs

The definition for a Low Fuel Boundary is:

  • a maintained area cleared of all combustible material that is likely to fuel a fire.
For more information about Telecommunications Infrastructure, please visit the Telstra website for more information.
Solar Panels

If you have any solar panels on your property that are not mounted on a built asset such as your home or shed, they must be surrounded by a 3 metre wide Low Fuel Boundary.

The definition for a Low Fuel Boundary is:

  • a maintained area cleared of all combustible material that is likely to fuel a fire.
Water Tanks on a Rural Property

If you have a Water Tank located on a Rural Property, it must be surrounded by a 5 metre wide Low Fuel Boundary.

The definition for a Low Fuel Boundary is:

  • a maintained area cleared of all combustible material that is likely to fuel a fire.
Fuel and Chemical Storage

If you have fuel and chemical storage located on your property, it must be surrounded by a 10 metre wide Low Fuel Boundary.

The definition for a Low Fuel Boundary is:

  • a maintained area cleared of all combustible material that is likely to fuel a fire.


Documents for Firebreak and Fuel Management Notice
Firebreak and Fuel Management Notice 2024-25


How to Find Help Understanding Your Notice

Book a Ranger Back to Top

Tips on Fire Compliance

Introduction to the Firebreak and Fuel Management Notice: Why It Matters

Asset Protection Zone

Thinking About Getting a Contractor to Help?

A Good Firebreak Example

Reminders for Rural Landowners

New short videos will be uploaded here soon.

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Compliance Inspections

Each year, Authorised Officers conduct property compliance inspections. These inspections are to ensure we are all doing our bit to reduce the risk of bushfire in our community.

Important information about inspections:

  • Authorised Officers are legally allowed to enter your property to conduct their inspections
  • You may receive an infringement if your property is deemed non-compliant
  • Your property may be inspected more than once during the maintenance period
  • If you would like to apply for a variation to the Notice, you must do this before the deadline.

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Apply for a Variation

Variation Applications for 2024/25 are no longer being accepted.
If you would like to apply for a variation to the Notice, you must do so before 1 October.

In some instances, land owners or occupiers may not be able to meet all of the fire management measures listed in the Firebreak & Fuel Management Notice. To avoid non-compliance, a Variation to Firebreak & Fuel Management Notice is required.

A Variation may be considered for the following reasons:
  • Property is steep and inaccessible and the installation of a low fuel boundary access or other fire mitigation measures would be dangerous or impractical.
  • Areas of rocky outcrops or cap stone naturally reduce the fire risk or prevents a low fuel boundary access from being installed.
  • Parts of the property are permanently water logged. 
  • Low Fuel Boundary Access (LFBA) can't be installed as close as practicable to the boundary.
  • Clearing of vegetation is likely to impact upon areas of declared rare flora or environmentally sensitive areas as defined under the Environmental Protection (Clearing of Native Vegetation) Regulations 2004.
  • Building positioning on block prevents the installation of an Asset Protection Zone (APZ) of the required size.
  • Properties that have an alternative Fire Management Plan developed by an accredited Bushfire Planning and Design (BPAD) practitioner
  • For rural properties that are bona fide agricultural operations:
    • actively managed pastures, forming part of an agricultural pursuit, may exceed a 100mm height, if seasonal cropping results in a low fuel boundary being maintained;
    • if livestock grazing occurs as part of a managed agricultural pursuit at commercial stocking rates as per the Department of Agriculture & Food guidelines, pastures may exceed 100mm; and
    • heavy machinery available on the property to prevent the spread of fire (e.g. bulldozer, grader, plough, scarifier or front end loader).

    If a Variation is approved, any special conditions placed on the Variation must be complied with. Any requirements stipulated in the Notice for which a variation has not been granted must meet the specifications of the current Firebreak and Fuel Management Notice. 

    Variations can be approved for 1 year, 3 years or 5 years. If your variation expires, it's your responsibility to reapply. 

    Start Your Variation Application Back to Top

    Infringement Notice Frequently Asked Questions

    I’ve never received an infringement before. Why did I get one this year?

    In response to the growing seriousness of the bushfire risk in our Shire, we have strengthened our approach to compliance.

    I never received a copy of the Firebreak and Fuel Management Notice. Can I get some leniency?


    Infringements are designed to point out the importance of your responsibilities under the Notice and the seriousness of your failure to act. A copy of the Notice was distributed with rates notices, clearly marked as the ‘First and Final Notice’. It is also widely publicized in local media, published in the Western Australian Government Gazette, the Shire website, eNewsletter and social media, and hardcopies are available at the Shire Administration Building.

    I’ve fixed the issue at my property now. Can I have my infringement rescinded?


    Your property is required to be maintained at the appropriate standard from 1 December to 30 April. If, at any time during the maintenance period, your property is found to be non-compliant, you can expect to receive an infringement. Remember, we may visit more than once, so you must continue maintaining your property to avoid additional penalties.

    Why do I need to comply with the Notice?

    It’s your responsibility under section 33 of the Bushfires Act 1954.

    How do I get assistance to understand what I need to do to bring my property into compliance?

    Get started with the information on this page! There are tips, videos, graphics and more available to help you.

    I want to appeal my infringement. How do I go about that?

    To successfully appeal your infringement, you will require evidence that our Authorised Officer has made a mistake. Click here to get started on your appeal.

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