
Our Shire is committed to transparency. 

One of the six community priorities in our Strategic Community Plan Our Future 2033 is 'Engagement and Decision-Making'. Our community told us, we want to feel heard, decisions that reflect majority community sentiment, rates to represent value for money and funds to be spent wisely, and the reasons for decision to be explained and transparent.

We're accountable to our community and to our collective priorities as we work towards a future for us all. If there is something we can do to improve, please let us know by completing the Feedback Submission Form below.

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Feedback Submission Form:

Page Feedback

We want our new website to be as easy as possible to navigate for community members. Your feedback will help us to continue fine-tuning until we have a user-friendly website. If you have some feedback to share about this page - positive or negative - we want to hear it! 

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