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Airport Operator

Shire of Denmark, PO Box 183, Denmark, WA 6333

  • Airstrip phone number: 9848 1334 (untended)
  • Denmark Airport Association: 0419 958 995 
  • After hours: Please contact the Shire of Denmark's 24 hour call centre on 9848 0300

Handling and Services

No fuel at airport.
Air BP avgas and Jet A1 available 24 hours card bowser at Albany, 20 nautical miles east.

Passenger Facilities

WC in terminal building, door lock code same as CTAF frequency.

Physical Characteristics

09/27 1204 metres bitumen paving 15 metres wide, turning nodes at end 16 metre radius, unrated.
Aircraft greater than 2000kg make wide radius turns while on runway, no pivot turns.
Runway 09 heading 092 magnetic, runway 27 heading 272 magnetic.

Aerodrome and Approach Lighting

Runway 09/27 Low Intensity Runway Lighting (LIRL) installed.
Taxiway lighting to terminal, terminal overhead area lighting.
Pilot Activated Lighting (PAL) 120.6, three one second transmissions and pauses, remains on 20 minutes after activation.
No standby power available.

ATS Communication Facilities

FIA Melbourne Centre, 123.9 (transmitter at Albany 20 NM east)


127.85, shared with Albany Airport 20 NM to east, Automatic Frequency Response Unit (AFRU) at Albany.

Additional Information

  1. Hills to west, not lighted
  2. Western 200 metres of runway 09 slopes upward with gradient of 1.75 % (1.0 degrees)
  3. Aerodrome used as forward base for aerial water bombers in event of regional bushfires. Use caution, park on grass during water bomber operations.

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