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Minutes - 28 June 2011 (1.27 MB) Minutes - 21 June 2011 (1.18 MB)
Minutes - 28 June 2011 (1.27 MB)
Minutes - 21 June 2011 (1.18 MB)
Attachment 4.4.1 - Natural Earth Burials - Petition_Redacted (982.43 KB) Attachment 8.1.1 - Biodiversity Surveys (Flora & Birds) Project for Mount Hallowell and Wilson Inlet Forshore Reserves (1.12 MB) Attachment 8.1.2 - Revegetation of Priority Sites on Wilson Inlet Foreshore Reserves Project (1.15 MB) Attachment 8.1.4 (150.57 KB) Attachment 8.1.5 - Request to Demolish Existing Development and Build New 'Holiday Cottage' and Outbuilding - Site 72 Third Avenue, Peaceful Bay (5.85 MB) Attachment 8.1.6 - Final Adoption of the Municipal Heritage Inventory (481.99 KB) Attachment 8.1.7 - Scheme Amendment Request - Revised Tourist Development Plan for Karri Mia Resort (4.30 MB) Attachment 8.4.1 - Financial Statement for the Month Ending 31 May 2011 (706.85 KB) Attachment 8.4.2 - 2011 Shire of Denmark Community Needs & Customer Satisfaction Survey (5.01 MB) Attachment 8.4.3 - Denmark Tourism (Inc) - Lease Renewal Option Denmark Visitor Centre and Rates Discount Request (746.27 KB) Attachment 9.1 - Paths & Trails Advisory Committee (227.68 KB) Attachment 11.1 - Munda Biddi Trail (2.54 MB) Attachment 9.6 - Funding Request Somerset Hill Volunteer Bushfire Brigade (504.21 KB)
Attachment 4.4.1 - Natural Earth Burials - Petition_Redacted (982.43 KB)
Attachment 8.1.1 - Biodiversity Surveys (Flora & Birds) Project for Mount Hallowell and Wilson Inlet Forshore Reserves (1.12 MB)
Attachment 8.1.2 - Revegetation of Priority Sites on Wilson Inlet Foreshore Reserves Project (1.15 MB)
Attachment 8.1.4 (150.57 KB)
Attachment 8.1.5 - Request to Demolish Existing Development and Build New 'Holiday Cottage' and Outbuilding - Site 72 Third Avenue, Peaceful Bay (5.85 MB)
Attachment 8.1.6 - Final Adoption of the Municipal Heritage Inventory (481.99 KB)
Attachment 8.1.7 - Scheme Amendment Request - Revised Tourist Development Plan for Karri Mia Resort (4.30 MB)
Attachment 8.4.1 - Financial Statement for the Month Ending 31 May 2011 (706.85 KB)
Attachment 8.4.2 - 2011 Shire of Denmark Community Needs & Customer Satisfaction Survey (5.01 MB)
Attachment 8.4.3 - Denmark Tourism (Inc) - Lease Renewal Option Denmark Visitor Centre and Rates Discount Request (746.27 KB)
Attachment 9.1 - Paths & Trails Advisory Committee (227.68 KB)
Attachment 11.1 - Munda Biddi Trail (2.54 MB)
Attachment 9.6 - Funding Request Somerset Hill Volunteer Bushfire Brigade (504.21 KB)