Permit to Burn Request


Residents who wish to carry out a burn on their property during the Restricted Burning Period must obtain a Permit to Burn.

Things to know before proceeding with your request:
  • Applicants must request a Permit to Burn at least 7 days prior to the proposed burn date
  • Permits to Burn are not guaranteed to be granted
  • Fire Control Officers are not required to explain the refusal of a Permit to Burn request

Proposed Burn Location

Brigade Map

Brigade Map

Using the map above as a reference, please select the brigade associated with the location of your burn.*This field is required.

Contact Details

Details of Proposed Burn

permit length

Maximum permit length is typically 7 days.


Important Note

If issued, the permit associated with this request is not valid during a declared prohibited burning time and is issued subject to the provisions of section 46 of the Bush Fires Act and may be revoked or suspended by a bush fire control officer if, in their opinion, the fire, if lit, would become a source of danger.
A bush fire control officer is not compelled to inspect an area to be burnt before issuing a permit to burn. The onus lies on the person not only to comply with the provisions of the Bush Fires Act, but also to ensure there is no danger of the fire escaping. The issue of a permit in no way affects that responsibility.
Has a minimum 3 metre wide firebreak been installed around the area to be burnt?*This field is required.
Please indicate the total number of litres of water you will have with you on the fire ground.*This field is required.

Please detail the fire fighting equipment that will be at the fire ground throughout the burn supplied by the permit holder.*This field is required.
Type of burning. Please select all that apply.*This field is required.

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Permit Conditions

Permit Conditions

Please read the following carefully.

If a Permit is issued, the following conditions apply:

1. Before the commencement of burning, the following persons/agencies must be notified:
    • Local Fire Control Officer
    • DFES Communication Centre 9395 9209
    • DBCA Parks and Wildlife Service 9840 0400 
    • Neighbours (see regulation 15B below)
2. The permit is not valid on days where the Daily Fire Danger Rating is high, extreme or catastrophic (FBI of 24 or higher).
3. Before the commencement of burning obtain the latest fire weather forecasts for the Stirling Coast district. This information can be obtained from the Bureau of Meteorology 9842 2616 or via the BOM website.
4. At least three able-bodied persons over the age of 16 must be in attendance at all times until the fire is completely extinguished.
5. A 3 metre wide firebreak, clear of flammable material, must be installed around the area being burnt.
6. Sufficient water and equipment must be on hand to completely extinguish and/or prevent the spread of the fire.
7. Do not burn if winds exceed km/hr as directed on your completed permit signed by a Fire Control Officer.
8. Do not burn any plastic, rubber, green garden waste, wet materials or any other material likely to cause a smoke nuisance.
9. This permit does not give you permission to burn road verges. Written permission must be obtained from the Council to burn road verges.
10. If you are unable to control or contain the burn, immediately call 000.
11. You must also observe and adhere to the summary of application provisions of section 18 of the Bush Fire Act 1954 and regulations 15B.

Summary of Application Provisions of Section 18 of the Bush Fire Act 1954 and Regulations 15B

6) Subject to this Act a person shall not set fire to the bush on land within a zone of the State during the restricted burning times for that zone of the State unless - 

  • a) they have obtained a permit in writing to burn the bush from a bush fire control officer of the local government in whose district the land upon which the bush proposed to be burnt is situated, or from the chief executive officer of the local government is a bush fire control officer is not available; and
  • b) the conditions prescribed for the purposes of this section are complied with in relation to the burning of the bush.

7) The person issuing a permit to burn under this section may, by endorsement on the permit - 

  • a) incorporate therein any additional requirements and directions considered necessary by them relative to the burning; or
  • b) modify or dispense with any of the conditions prescribed for the purposes of this section in so far as those conditions are applicable to the burning.

8) The holder of a permit to burn under this section -

  • a) shall observe and carry out any requirement or direction incorporated therein pursuant to subsection (7a):
  • b) shall, where any prescribed conditions is modified pursuant to subsection (5) or subsection (7b), comply with that condition as so modified;
  • c) need not comply with any prescribed condition that is suspended or dispensed with pursuant to subsection (5) or (7b).

11) Where a person starts a fire on land, if the fire escapes from the land or if the fire is in the opinion of a bush fire control officer or an officer of a bush fire brigade out of control on the land, the person shall be liable to pay to the local authority on the request of and for recoup to its bush fire brigade, any expenses up to a maximum amount of $10,000 incurred by it in preventing the extension of or extinguishing the fire, any such expenses may be recovered in any court of competent jurisdiction. 

12) A person who commits a breach of this section other than subsection (11) is guilty of an offence.

Penalty: for the first offence a fine of $4500: for every subsequent offence a fine of $10,000.

Regulation 15B

1) Subject to the Act a person who has obtained a permit to burn the bush under section 18 of the Act (in this regulation called 'the permit holder') shall comply with the conditions set out in this regulation in relation to the burning of the bush.

2) The permit holder shall give notice of their intention to burn the bush upon a land a part of land - 

  • a) the chief executive officer or a bush fire control officer of the local government in whose district that land is situated:
  • b) the owner or occupier of all land adjoining to that land:
  • c) a forest officer if the bush is situated within three kilometres of forest land: and
  • d) an officer or employee of each notifiable authority (if any), being an officer or employee who is apparently authorised to accept that notice.

3) The period of notice required under sub-regulation (2) of this regulation shall not be - 

  • a) more than 28 days: or
  • b) less than 4 days unless the notice is given verbally in which case the minimum period of notice may be determined by mutual agreement.

4) Notice required to be given to an owner; occupier or other person under sub-regulation (2) may be given any of the following methods - 

  • a) by verbal communication or in writing as well ensure (except in the case mentioned in paragraph c) that every owner, occupier or other person is made aware of the intention to burn and the date and time thereof: or
  • b) by delivering it at the premises on which the person to whom notice is to be given, lives or carries on business or by leaving it with a person who is apparently over the age of 16 years who resides or is employed on the premises: or
  • c) in the case of an owner or occupier of adjoining land who is not at the time residing on the adjoining land by posting, not less than 8 days prior to the first day on which it is intended to burn the bush, the notice by prepaid letter to the last known place of abode or business of the owner or occupier.

5) A notice given under sub-regulation (2) shall contain full particulars of the locality where the bush proposed to be burnt is situated.

6) Before setting fire to the bush the permit holder shall arrange for and provide, in order to assist in keeping the fire under control and preventing it from spreading beyond the land on which the burning is to take place, at least three able-bodied persons who shall be constantly in attendance at the fire from the time it is lit until no burning or smouldering fuel is within thirty metres of the perimeter of the firebreak surrounding the burnt area or, if there is no such firebreak, within thirty metres of the perimeter of the burnt area.

7) Where for any day, or any period of a day, specified in a notice given under sub-regulation (2) the fire danger rating issued by the Bureau of Meteorology in Perth in respect of the locality where the bush proposed to be burnt is situated is either 'catastrophic', 'extreme' or 'high' the permit holder no burn the bush in the locality on that day or during that period but may burn the bush in the locality on the first day next following that day or that period on which the fire danger forecast issued by the Bureau of Meteorology is below 'high'.

8) The permit holder shall not light a fire to burn on Sunday if the burning on Sunday is for the time being prohibited in the district in which the bush is situated pursuant to regulation 15C (1).

9) The permit holder shall not light a fire to burn the bush on a day that is a public holiday in the district in which the bush is situated if the burning of the bush on that day is for the time being prohibited in that district pursuant to regulation 15C (2).

    Declaration: I have read and understood the above permit conditions and regulations.*This field is required.
    Declaration: I will give my neighbours sufficient notice of my burn if my permit is approved.*This field is required.
    Declaration: I will register my burn with DFES Communication Centre if my permit is approved.*This field is required.