Dual Naming of Iconic Landscape Sites to Progress

Published on Monday, 3 July 2023 at 11:54:47 AM

The Shire of Denmark has received support from the Indigenous community on a project to progress dual naming of iconic landscape features across the Shire.

Up to 18 proposed Noongar place names for the purposes of formal dual naming within the Shire have received support from the local Noongar community through advice from the South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council, Wagyl Kaip Aboriginal Corporation and the Wagyl Kaip Cultural Advice Committee.

Some of the locations proposed as part of the formal dual naming process include:
- Kooryunderup / Mount Hallowell – place of many bush kangaroo
- Wakundup / Mount Shadforth – place of wakoon / water fowl
- Kordabup / Parry Inlet – coming together place/ women got ready for ceremony

The progression of dual naming has incorporated a substantial amount of background research and stakeholder engagement, with a consultant engaged to undertake the next stage of consultation and agency liaison to shepherd the proposed names through Landgate and the Geographic Names Committee in accordance with the formal guidelines.

Denmark Shire President Ceinwen Gearon said dual naming pays due respect to Traditional Custodians by acknowledging their generational care of and connection to Country.

“The names we give to places convey their significance, sense of history and unique identity,” Dr Gearon said.

“It’s about time, given the deep cultural heritage of First Nations Australia, that dual naming becomes more commonplace in our country and I’m proud to see the Shire of Denmark progressing in this space.”

“The formal process is a long one, but we believe it’s important to deliver this project meaningfully, and that means not cutting any corners – so while it’s taking us some time, we’re grateful for the patience and understanding of our community members.”

“Before too long, we look forward to promote dual naming on signage and educational material across our Shire, so we can all appreciate the rich cultural heritage here in the Shire of Denmark.”

The Shire will share further updates on the dual naming project as information becomes available.

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