Sustainable Future Ahead for Tourism in Denmark

Published on Wednesday, 22 September 2021 at 2:12:36 PM

The Shire of Denmark now has a Sustainable Tourism Strategy after Council last night voted unanimously to adopt a plan which sets out the next four years of tourism related activities in Denmark.

The Sustainable Tourism Strategy 2021-2024 and accompanying Tourism Action Plans provide Council with direction on the most effective way to lead, support and advocate for Denmark’s local tourism industry in the coming years.

The strategy was informed by extensive community consultation which showed the local community, including business owners, supports the vision of sustainable tourism in Denmark which protects core environmental and community values.

Outdoors Great Southern (formerly known as GSCORE) representative Lenore Lyons, consultant appointed by the Shire to assist in the strategy development, said she was pleased with the outcome.

“We are pleased that Council has endorsed the Shire of Denmark Sustainable Tourism Strategy and the vision to make Denmark a leading example of a sustainable tourism destination,” Dr Lyons said.

“The Strategy is built on a strong evidence base with community and industry feedback and sets forth a clear plan to balance the long-term economic, environmental and social impact of tourism on the Shire.”

“The next step involves industry, community and the Shire working together to implement the strategic priorities.”

Denmark Shire President Ceinwen Gearon said the adoption of the new Sustainable Tourism Strategy was a critical step for the community and commended the due diligence carried out by Dr Lyons and her team in drafting the strategy.

“This is an impressive document which sets clear steps forward for tourism in Denmark,” Cr Gearon said.

“I am proud of the hard work that has gone into this document with extensive community and industry stakeholder consultation, with Council acknowledging the valuable feedback received.”

The new Sustainable Tourism Strategy is available for download from the Shire of Denmark website.

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