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$2,857,500 grant awarded by Lotterywest ensures $5m project will go ahead
Seven lucky ratepayers rewarded with Denmark Dollars for paying rates by due date
Support through rate waivers, peppercorn leases, service agreements, events and cash contributions
Boosted funding for road infrastructure and civil works equipment in newly adopted budget
Budget "maintains focus on the key needs identified in our Strategic Community Plan"
Next four years of project and service delivery planned in line with community feedback
Community members invited to read proposal and provide comment before 5pm Wednesday 3 July
More than $30,000 allocated to Access and Inclusion projects and deliverables
Funding allocated for new fish cleaning facilities and better public toilet access
Funding and support to deliver on youth services community priority
Roads across the Shire set to be upgraded in the year ahead following community feedback
Renewed focus on areas such as roads and youth in line with community feedback
Community invited to submit feedback on proposal by Thurs 13 July
Every dollar counts. Find out where your rates are going this financial year